The Epic Earring Display!

The spray painting begins.
The spray painting begins.
I am so lucky to have a handy husband who doesn't cut corners
I am so lucky to have a handy husband who doesn’t cut corners

I decided that I needed a new earring display. The old one that had served us so well, had become beat up and wasn’t very practical anymore. We had some great ideas, including restaurant ticket holders, but time and functionality won this design choice.



We decided to go with a sort of scrabble tile holder system with grooves cut in the slats to hold the cards.

the green is sprayed on the front
the green is sprayed on the front
completed back
completed back
Finished! Perfect behind the wine case display!
Finished! Perfect behind the wine case display!



Here is how it looks with the whole display!
Here is how it looks with the whole display!

The completed display all set up with our booth at Richmond Craft Mafia’s Spring Bada Bing! What do you think? I think it’s PERFECT!

New Offerings!

I’ve been busy taking pics of some of my new pieces. Crochet wire jewelry is EXTREMELY HARD TO PHOTOGRAPH! Especially, the “free form” pieces that I make…..

Oh yes…I will be at the Richmond Craft Mafia’s Spring Bada Bing on April 20th!

Beer and crafts!ImageImageImage

playing with my new tablet


So, my computer decided to go kaput exactly one day after I started this blog and about 8 hrs.  After my husband and I were musing about getting a tablet.  The fan sounds like a few squirrels are fighting in it.

So the laptop’s in the computer hospital and we picked up a tablet as a computer “lite” that would be easier to take on the road with us…

I’m trying very hard to figure out how to print things, take photos that that rival my others.

So bear with me !!!